Sunday, 30 March 2014

Take 3 Campaign

The Take 3 Campaign is probably my favourite campaign at the moment. It involves simply picking up 3 pieces of rubbish with you each time you visit a beach, national park or coastline and placing it in the rubbish bin. This will make a significant impact if every person participates, as less plastic and rubbish will end up in the ocean. One of the top reasons marine life dies is due to consuming so much rubbish, leading to death. Australia alone has 4000 pieces of plastic rubbish floating in each square kilometre of our oceans. There is no excuse except laziness for throwing rubbish out the car window or leaving it behind, Australia has some of the best infrastructure in the world, meaning we have bins lining most streets. Imagine if someone kept leaving litter in your home, just like you leave it in their environment...

Here is their website if you want more information

Until next time,
Keep loving the green life

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