Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Disney's Environmental Initiatives on America Recycles Day

Hey everyone,

As you are probably unaware, I am an enormous Disney fan and have been going to Disneyland and Disneyworld since I was a baby. In fact I am going to be there is just 2 weeks!
Image from: http://www.disneytouristblog.com

However, growing up, I never really thought about my impact on the environment and I was not educated on this at school. Throughout the past few years, since graduating high school and completing my environmental degree, I have grown to understand how we must take care of our planet, as it is the only one we have. I want my children one day to live in an environment that is healthy and sustainably managed unlike the one today. So, when I found this video created by Disney outlining their current recycling and environmental initiatives I was really excited. It is extremely difficult for an enormous multi national company to be completely sustainable but I can not see a world without these powerful companies anytime in the near future. It did make me happy to see this as I believe every bit counts. If one of the world's largest and most powerful companies influences others to undertake environmentally sustainable practices, then the world will definitely be a better place. Yes, I know Disney does contribute towards pollution and greenhouse emissions, but Disney is definitley on the right track. Please watch and let me know what you think!

Until next time,
Keep loving the green life

Monday, 11 November 2013


Recently at university I learnt about the concept 'Greenwashing'. This is when a company claims to be environmentally friendly to improve their business image of their brand but they are misleading consumers. It has been found that 95% of products claiming to be 'green' had actually committed at least 1 negative environmental impact. The average person is finding it extremely difficult to tell which companies are actually helping the environment and those who are not.

Image from: <http://www.futurelab.net/blogs/marketing-strategy-innovation/2008/07/how_bad_is_greenwashing_really.html>

To help you when choosing products at the shops, here is a small picture of companies who 'Greenwash' their customers and we should aim to avoid them:
Image from: <http://www.guypearse.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/UQ-GCI-Greenwash-Launch-with-slides-11-Oct-2012.pdf>

So some of your favourite companies who claim to be green are likely not, keep an eye out next time your buying something and maybe do some research to figure out who is genuinely trying to improve our future and who is trying to make a big profit.

Until next time,

Keep loving the green life

Monday, 4 November 2013

Story of Stuff

This is a video which we had to watch at university a while ago, but it sends a great message that humans live in a consumer society and we really need to take a look at what we are doing to each other and the world...

Until next time,

Keep loving the green life